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Didn't catch my live masterclass on "The 3 Missing Pieces to Why you Haven't Magnetized Your Soulmate"? No worries! You can now watch the replay for a limited time only! Discover the secrets to attracting your soulmate and transform your love life.
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Hi! I'm Karen McPhail
I help my clients design, attract, and live the life of their dreams.

It is my life dream and mission to support individuals just like you to clearly define what you truly want out of life and then provide the coaching and training necessary, so you can create that dream life!

Empowering YOU to Live Your Dream Life:  Design It, Attract It, Live It!

We will collaborate to clearly define and design what your dream life looks like. We will then work together to attract all you want to bring into your life to fulfill the life you desire. I will teach you simple tools and strategies to manifest what you desire and leverage the Law of Attraction. The action plan we develop for your dream life will allow you to actually Live it...a life of infinite possibilities!

One of the first steps we take together is to uncover what you truly value in life, so that what we design capitalizes on your natural strengths and is in alignment with your core values. When you are living authentically, that's when the magic happens!

How did I gain this knowledge? I've been studying, teaching, and living these principles for over 25 years! I've spent time in both the corporate world as a public relations executive in Silicon Valley and in the educational arena teaching students at all levels. My Masters of Science in Curriculum and Instruction, my certification as an Infinite Possibilities Trainer with Mike Dooley, and my several coaching certifications have enabled me to develop my signature programs: The Soulmate Solution, The Fulfilled Financial Advisor Formula, Infinite Life Possibilities, Infinite Business Possibilities as well as my one-to-one and group coaching practice. 

It is my passion and my honor to support and empower YOU to design, attract and live the life you dare to dream!

Hi! I'm Karen McPhail
I help my clients design, attract, and live the life of their dreams.

It is my life dream and mission to support individuals just like you to clearly define what you truly want out of life and then provide the coaching and training necessary, so you can create that dream life!

Empowering YOU to Live Your Dream Life:  Design It, Attract It, Live It!

We will collaborate to clearly define and design what your dream life looks like. We will then work together to attract all you want to bring into your life to fulfill the life you desire. I will teach you simple tools and strategies to manifest what you desire and leverage the Law of Attraction. The action plan we develop for your dream life will allow you to actually Live it...a life of infinite possibilities!

One of the first steps we take together is to uncover what you truly value in life, so that what we design capitalizes on your natural strengths and is in alignment with your core values. When you are living authentically, that's when the magic happens!

How did I gain this knowledge? I've been studying, teaching, and living these principles for over 25 years! I've spent time in both the corporate world as a public relations executive in Silicon Valley and in the educational arena teaching students at all levels. My Masters of Science in Curriculum and Instruction, my certification as an Infinite Possibilities Trainer with Mike Dooley, and my several coaching certifications have enabled me to develop my signature programs: The Soulmate Solution, The Fulfilled Financial Advisor Formula, Infinite Life Possibilities, Infinite Business Possibilities as well as my one-to-one and group coaching practice. 

It is my passion and my honor to support and empower YOU to design, attract and live the life you dare to dream!

Manifest Your Soulmate Partner

Live Round Starts March 2025!
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  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “I took Karen’s The Soulmate Solution program at a pivotal point in my life. I knew I had to do some internal work in order to really understand myself, my needs and how to truly be in a place where I was ready to open my heart to a soulmate.

    I absolutely did not expect immediate results. During the program, I reconnected with an old friend and it has turned into so much more than I could’ve ever imagined. I finally feel like I’m on the right path for myself and aligned with my deepest desires. I have taken a course from Karen before and I knew she had a way of presenting information that turns my thinking on its head and I’m pleased to report that she once again has worked her magic.

    During the program I found myself actively healing old wounds, digging deeper into my own roots and now I’ve found myself aligned with a partner who is everything I could’ve dreamed of and more. It feels like I came home to myself and in doing so, found a partner who also feels like home.”

    The Soulmate Solution Former Participant

  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “I am so happy to recommend Karen McPhail and her program The Soulmate Solution. Karen is a great coach, honing in on feelings without judgment. She is perceptive and has great empathy.

    Through this program, I learned how to understand my personality’s needs which explained why certain relationships (romantic and just friendships) work and don’t work. I learned how to become my own soulmate so that the addition of my soulmate partner would be an added spice to my life, but certainly not a necessity!

    I now fully embrace who I am and what I have to offer to any relationship. I let go of negative thought patterns and focused on becoming the best possible me! Thank you Karen for the support and guidance to help me get ready for any and all future possibilities!”

    The Soulmate Solution Former Participant

  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “I'm usually a super private person, but my heart felt called to share my experience taking Karen's program. I knew it would empower and transform my life and my heart as she is an incredible woman and her own journey is very inspiring.

    I am a believer that the universe shows up when we take aligned action. It was such a supportive space and the wisdom that I gained and the personal healing and empowerment that I was able to walk away with was invaluable. I will forever be grateful.

    Most importantly, I became my own soulmate and learned to have a deepened relationship with myself that has enabled me to show up in the world as the confident woman I have always desired to be who knows exactly what I want for myself and in a soulmate. I highly recommend this program for any woman ready to manifest their”

    The Soulmate Solution Former Participant

  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “Working with Karen in The Soulmate Solution was a gift in my life.  She really cares about her students.  She is an amazing coach and I learned so much about myself and manifestation. What I learned changed my life.  I would recommend this program to any woman who is ready to work on themselves to be the best person she can be while doing the work to manifest her soulmate. If you are considering joining this program, you should do it.”

    The Soulmate Solution Former Participant

  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “What can you accomplish in one hour? If you have a defined plan and an excellent coach - you can set the pace for your 2024. If you have more work or further questions you can take as long as necessary - but dial in and BOOM.
    I highly recommend booking a session with Karen Taylor McPhail. She is an expert in many areas including professional alignment as well as relationship coaching. I have worked with many coaches but NEVER have I had someone so focused and clear as Karen. ”

    Norton Shores, Michigan

  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “I highly recommend working with Karen! Karen’s warmth, support and compassion transmit through the screen. I am deeply grateful for her knowledge and coaching which helped me to grow and thrive during tremendously challenging times. Karen empowered me in moving from temporary, emotional paralysis to manifesting real hope in my life, goals of creating health, sustainability and abundance. By using the tools and strategies Karen teaches to shift your life, I am now spending this time on creating my future dreams. No matter where you are in your personal and professional journey, you will thrive with Karen’s programs.”

    Bend, OR

  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “The start of my class coincided with the Covid-19 Pandemic. There was the unknown of the new normal. It all felt so surreal about the loss we were facing. Loss of lives, health, jobs, dreams. My friend for over 20 years, Karen, invited me to take her “Master Your Fear and Turn it Into Hope” course. I can honestly say my heart is hopeful and I am concentrating on the positive aspects of my current life and future dreams and extraordinary life that is ahead for me. Karen lives her dreams and can teach you how to change yours now and transform your future to reach your dreams too. This is the time to make that commitment to shift from where you are to where you desire to be. You are worth it!”

    Grants Pass, OR

  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “Karen’s positive outlook is inspiring and contagious, even during difficult times. Her support and teaching around thoughts, beliefs, and emotions shifted my mindset which shifted my life. Working with Karen was just what I needed in a vulnerable period in my life. She really helped me move forward with confidence. Her tools and strategies to shift mindset are invaluable!”

    Gold Hill, OR

  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “Karen is an exceptional coach with a vibrant and compassionate energy that will motivate you to be your best self. Her practical and easy tools to shift mindset will put you on a new path with endless possibilities to lead a life of joy and fulfillment.”

    Norton Shores, MI

  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “Having the opportunity to work with Karen impacted my life so much more than I had anticipated. My business grew immensely during this time, but more importantly, I grew in my personal development. I had heard people say many times that when they finally got a great coach to work with, they made huge strides. Working with Karen did just that for me! I was able to accomplish what we discovered were my most heart-felt dreams and goals and then, using the tools I was taught, I moved forward exponentially. Karen is amazing to work with and I feel so blessed to have learned from her. I highly recommend working with Karen in any of her courses or coaching programs.”

    Daniel Island, South Carolina

  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “I just completed Karen’s Infinite Possibilities course. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to not only change their mindset, but the course of their life. Karen is an amazing and an inspirational coach. Working with her was fun and enlightening. She is very knowledgeable and I learned a lot from the tools and strategies she shares. Working with Karen, I was able to shift my mindset and thoughts in the positive and I now truly believe I can have what I want in life. Thank you Karen!”

    New South Wales, Australia

  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “Working with Karen came as a gift in a difficult time in my life. I felt hopeless, fearful, anxious about what was going to happen and how I could handle it. Humans are naturally wired to be on alert for danger, but for some of us, that translates into staying perpetually in a fearful state. Karen has helped me break the cycle of negative thoughts while planting the seeds of hope for my future. It has helped me in all areas of my life, including work, relationships, and parenting. She makes these concepts accessible with practices that are easy to understand and institute. I’m so grateful to have crossed paths with her and to be on this journey!!”

    Charlotte, NC

  • Infinite Life Possibilities

    “Infinite Life Possibilities has helped me reshape my thoughts, remain focused on my soul purpose and goals. Karen is amazing and passionate about teaching and sharing her experience while unwrapping the gift within. I highly recommend working with Karen, no matter what stage of soul awareness you are in. The possibilities ARE infinite!”

    Charlotte, NC


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